"Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do." – Voltaire
Our Mission
Welcome to our site. Charitable Confections is a volunteer-run, 501(c)(3) public charity that assists educational nonprofits in developing countries. We believe that children who were born into third-world nations shouldn't be precluded from receiving a first-rate education. Our hope is that by infusing a dash of creativity, joy, and sugar into the presentation of dire, often tragic situations, it will make the information more palatable to those who have the means to help but sometimes don't because they're scared or put off by other people's suffering. As Mother Teresa once wrote: "Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls."
Where We Work/What We Do
Charitable Confections currently operates in Haiti and Armenia, via our two "charity du jour" or partner organizations, which are based in Cite Soleil -- the most destitute slum in Port-au-Prince -- and Yerevan.
In addition to raising funds to sponsor children's tuition and assisting our partner organizations with editing and creative content for their websites, we have implemented an in-house tutoring program, a big brother/big sister virtual program, and two virtual tutoring programs (peer-peer and adult-advanced student) in Haiti. In Armenia, we're launching two virtual lecture series at the Yerevan-based Avedisian School through a collaboration with Armenian Missionary Association of America.
We also curate our own curriculum content by recording original podcasts and videos of Harvard, MIT, and London School of Economics professors, celebrity chefs, and other professional luminaries, all of which is accessible for free on our site.
Periodically, to raise funds for our students, we host virtual culinary classes and do edible art collaborations with businesses such as Ben & Jerry's Boston. We also host "snack, learn, and go" soirees featuring our edible robot called Confectionbot.
December 2023
We'll be doing another ice cream art collaboration with Ben & Jerry's Newbury Street on Dec. 9th to raise funds for the Yerevan-based Avedisian School, in which we're implementing two virtual lecture series. Edible art demo at 2:15; ice cream tree reveal at 3:15. More info: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ben-jerrys-newbury-street-holiday-ice-cream-art-music-event-2023-tickets-761336567167?aff=oddtdtcreator
December 2023
We're at the Harvard Summer Funding Fair at the student center @ Harvard Graduate School of Education! Harvard College students can stop by until 4pm to learn about our in-person opportunities in Armenia and virtual opportunities in Haiti and Armenia -- including the two new virtual lecture series we're implementing at the Avedisian School in Yerevan.

September 2023
The 2023-24 academic year was kicked off with a virtual guest lecture at the Avedisian School by Harvard MD and professor, Lilit Garibyan.

May 2023
We kicked off the virtual guest lecture series at the Avedisian School with a lecture by art historian and owner of the Beacon Gallery in Boston, Christine O'Donnell!

April 2023
We'll be doing another edible art collaboration with Ben & Jerry's Boston on May 20 (new date), from 2-4pm! Sale proceeds will go to the Yerevan-based Avedisian School, in which we are implementing a new, virtual guest lecturer program! Info: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ben-jerrys-scoop-shops-sugar-art-ecoday-2023-tickets-604138162507 .

March 2023
Thanks to everyone who attended and made our Zoom session last week such a dynamic one! Anyone who wasn't able to attend, but would still like to be considered for a virtual guest lecture spot at the Avedisian School this spring or next fall term can contact us at info@charitableconfections.org or via our "contact us" page.

March 2023
Our informational Zoom session with Aren, country director of Armenian Missionary Association of Armenia, will take place on March 30, 10pm ET/March 31 6am Armenia Time. We'll be discussing virtual and in-person volunteer tutoring opportunities. Contact us at info@charitableconfections.org to RSVP or register via the Eventbrite page: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/education-volunteering-in-armenia-a-virtual-information-session-w-amaa-tickets-593712589337 .
March 2023
New episodes of The Charitable Confectioner, will be coming later this spring to
chanel 9 in Cambridge. Until then, you can check out Linda's storytelling with sugar performance on the station's live telethon on March 25 at 5pm. Watch locally on channel 9 or via the station's livestream.

January 2023
We have several virtual and country-based volunteer opportunities in Haiti and Armenia. Please contact us at info@charitableconfections.org to learn more. Also, stay tuned to this page for our Zoom meeting announcement that will provide information about our upcoming virtual classroom lecture series at the Avedisian School in Yerevan.
January 2023
Thanks to everyone who attended the Ben & Jerry's event last month, and helped us raise tuition money for the orphans in Jacmel and the Avedisian School in Yerevan!

December 2022
We'll be doing an ice cream art collaboration with Ben & Jerry's Boston (174 Newbury Street) on Dec. 10th. The event is free and open to the public; proceeds from ice cream sales will go towards our educational programs in Haiti and Armenia. More info can be found here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ben-jerrys-scoop-shops-holiday-ice-cream-art-music-festival-2022-tickets-462189750987

Charitable Confections will be at the Harvard Summer Funding Fair on Dec. 2, ready to discuss our summer internship opportunities (and winternships) with Harvard College students. Those who aren't able to attend, but have an interest can contact us at info@charitableconfections.org or find us on the Crimson Careers website and apply that way.

November 2022
Thanks to everyone who attended and/or donated to our virtual chocolate tart class! The money was used to purchase schools supplies -- plus a few beds -- for the orphans (pictured below) at the Tysea Orphanage.

We'll be co-hosting a virtual confectionary class with our partner Marcel Jean, who will be joining us live from Port-au-Prince. Thanks to the Boston Calendar for selecting it as one of the top free events in Boston this week!

July 2022
The episode of the Web series Spaceship Studio X Luna Lounge, season I, featuring our founder, Linda, and the work of Charitable Confections, has dropped! Watch on Youtube, and check out the promotional poster at Faneuil Hall.

June 2022
Marcel Jean, the president of Haiti Scholarship Association --our "charity du jour" Haiti -- is now also in charge of the Tysea Orphanage in Jacmel. Moving forward, in addition to assisting the students in Cite Soleil, we will also help the orphans with their educational needs.
April 2022
Thanks to everyone who attended and donated to the virtual chocolate art event with AMAA! The funds raised brought much needed joy and provisions to the children in Armenia and Artsakh, as seen in the celebration image, below.

On April 16th, we'll be teaching a virtual chocolate art event, hosted by Armenian Missionary Association of America -- our "charity du jour" Armenia -- to benefit the students and orphans in Armenia and Artsakh. Registration link: https://enqwest.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEqceyrqj8qE9wrVk7LFyGBVBrWJ8E6Z2Hj

February 2022
Press about our edible art exhibition, The Charitable Confectioner Presents (print & TV):

January 2022
Our solo edible art exhibition, The Charitable Confectioner Presents -- which is based upon our television series for channel 9/Cambridge -- is on view through March 7, 2022 at the Karen Aqua Gallery, located at 438 Massachusetts Avenue in Cambridge.
The gallery is open to the public on Mondays from 5-7pm, Wednesdays from 4-6pm, and Thursdays from 3-5 pm, but one must reserve a slot in advance by e-mailing reserve@cctvcambridge.org.
More information can be found on the "Television Show" page of this site.

The lobby of the Karen Aqua Gallery on Mass Ave.
November 2021
Marcel Jean, the president of our partner nonprofit in Haiti, will be in Miami until Dec. 2. He has requested several items for the administration and children in Cite Soleil:
Canvas or nylon school backpacks
Laptop or ipad/tablet
DSLR camera with video taking capabilities
If you are able to donate any of the above items please e-mail us at info@charitableconfections.org or Marceljean25@yahoo.fr .
October 2021
Mayco was able to attend school for the first time in his life this semester, thanks to our generous sponsors! Watch his "Thank you" video here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CVSygYvA_2E/

August 2021
We're in the process of updating our "Television show" page with clips from past episodes of The Charitable Confectioner for channel 9/Cambridge. The station will air re-runs on August 3 and 17, but we'll be back with fresh, live episodes starting on September 7, when we'll be joined by Marcel Jean, president of Haiti Scholarship Association -- our partners in Haiti.

Image from the July 6 episode of the show about modern day slavery with Harvard professor Tim McCarthy.
July 2021
After the July 7 assasinatin of Haitian president Jovenel Moise, the country declared a two-week state of emergency. The school exams that were scheduled for this week have been cancelled, but will be re-scheduled, and the 2021-22 academic year is expected to resume in late August/early Semptember. If you would like to sponsor the educational expenses of one of our students in Cite Soleil, please have a look at our "Charity du Jour: Haiti" page to learn about a few of the HSA students, or contact us to receive the full list.
June 2021
For the April 20th episode of our channel 9 television show, The Charitable Confectioner, our expert guest was Harout Nercessian, the Armenia country director of Armenian Missionary Association of America, which is our "Charity du Jour: Armenia". On Sept. 7th, we will have Marcel Jean, president of our Haiti-based partner organization, Haiti Scholarship Association, joining us.
March 2021
Our new, live series for Cambridge Community Television will debut on April 6! It can be watched locally on channel 9 or via the station's livestream. More details are available on the designated page on this site: http://www.charitableconfections.org/television-show--the-charitable-confectioner.html .

February 2021
Our lecture for Explore Culture's event, detailing the genesis of our organization.

January 2021
Things in Armenia have been slowly getting back to normal since the November ceasefire, but the unexpected, brief war has left the children in Artsakh in dire need of help. If you would like to sponsor one, please visit the website of our charity du jour Armenia to do so:
https://amaa.donorshops.com/sponsorship?fields%5B48%5D=63 .
November 2020
Thanks to everyone who attended Linda's Armenian history & cuisine Zoom class at Cambridge Center. These classes offer the opportunity to teach students about Armenian culture, plus provide a few morsels of information about the mission of CC and AMAA, for those who are interested. We'll be teaching a different Armenian class each quarter. Information on upcoming classes can be found here: https://chipperconfections.storenvy.com/products/31523719-edible-art-classes .

September 2020
Classes have resumed in Cite Soleil! The schools are currently making up for the 2019-20 academic year, but the 2020-21 schedule will commence on November 10th. There are still a couple of students listed on our "Charity du Jour Haiti" page who have not had their sponsorship renewed, so if anyone is interested in helping them, please contact us at info@CharitableConfections.org or HSA president, Marcel Jean, at: Marceljean25@yahoo.fr .
April 2020
The Harvard alumni nonprofit event at the Harvard Club, scheduled for April 2, was cancelled, but the university published a brochure and online directory that provides information about all of the nonprofits that would have participated, including Charitable Confections. Virtual volunteering is a rewarding way to spend spare time one might have!

February 2020

From Yerevan to Cite Soleil! Thanks to our newest student volunteer/ambassador, Lusine, who is a student at American University of Armenia, we now have a peer-peer Skype tutoring program going between Armenia and Haiti!
January 2020
We've been cooking up a few projects this winter, with the help of our Harvard College intern, Yifan Chen '21. We have new podcasts on our curriculum page featuring a Harvard Graduate School of Education professor as well as one with the publisher of a group of luxury magazines. Also on our curriculum page, you'll find an in-depth interview between Yifan and Lusine, a graduate of AMAA's Avedisian School and student at American University of Armenian, about student life in higher education institutions in the States and Armenia. We've also compiled an assortment of brief personal stories for all out HSA children in Cite Soleil awaiting tuition sponsorship, which can be found on the "Charity du Jour -- Haiti" page. Happy listening and reading!
January 2020
After having been shut down for many months, due to rioting, the schools in Port-au-Prince have re-opened! We're grateful to everyone who donated this Christmas season to sponsor students in Cite Soleil. Shown here is Katachi, a 10-year-old who had to drop out of school after the second grade because her parents could not afford tuition. Her mother is blind and incapacitated, and her father is not of help, so the only way she can achieve her dream of going to school to become a nurse is through the generosity of those who have the means to help. Thanks to one of our donors, she will be starting school for the first time in years next week!

December 2019
Yifan is our wonderful new Harvard College intern, and we're looking forward to cooking up educational projects with her this January! Shown here with our advisory committee member, Harvard MD/prof, Robert Hasserjian at one of founder Linda's chocolate art classes at Cambridge Center.
December 2019
Charitable Confections brochures are one display -- along with Linda's edible artwork -- through 12/15 at the Harvard Kiosk in Harvard Square as part of a pop-up collaboration between Culture House and Cambridge Arts Council.

October 2019
Confectionbot at the Harvard Nonprofit, Global Health, and Government event, spreading the word about our educational programs in Haiti and Armenia to students and alumni.

October 2019
We caught up with Lusine, an impressive graduate of the Avedisian School in Yerevan, to see what she had been up to since we had last filmed her. Watch the video on our Charity du jour Armenia page: http://charitableconfections.org/CharityduJourArmenia.html .

October 2019
We had a great time at the annual banquet of AMAA, our charity du jour Armenia, that took place this year at the Westin Hotel Waltham. Commemorative sugar sculpture/plaque made by Linda.

September 2019
Schools are back in session in Haiti***and Armenia, which means that we have Skype and in-person volunteer tutoring positions available for both countries. If you're interested in helping the students, please contact us at info@charitableconfections.org .
***update: Due to the ongoing riots in Haiti that have imobilized the country, virtually all of the schools are closed. We are trying the best we can to help the children despite this setback. Feel free to contact us for more details at info@charitableconfections.org .
September 2019
Charitable Confections will be one of the organizations featured at Harvard's Nonprofit, Government, and Global Health event that will take place on Oct. 24 from 3-5pm at the Student Center at Hilles:

September 2019
The list of upcoming edible art classes at Cambridge Center, Boston Center for Adult Education, and NY Cake Design Lab in Manhattan, plus art gallery exhibitions and showcases in Cambridge and Boston has been updated on our sister site, Chipper Confections: https://chipperconfections.storenvy.com/products/27732450-art-classes-exhibits . There's a new Armenian cuisine and history class cooking up at CCAE, and a special holiday juried art show at the Beacon Gallery that have just been added to the list.
September 2019
Our Charity du jour Armenia, AMAA, will be having their annual banquet in Boston this year. Tickets are available here: https://amaa.org/2019/06/29/registration-for-meeting-and-reservations-for-banquet-are-now-open/ . Join us and have a look at the church window themed sugar sculpture we've created for the event!
July 2019
We have the opportunity for an English tutor to participate in our Skype tutoring program assisting two college women, kettia and Naphetalie, who live in Cite Soleil, to prepare for the TOEFL so that they can come to the States for their graduate studies in accounting. If you are interested, please e-mail us at info@charitableconfections.org or Marceljean25@yahoo.fr .
June 2019
Confectionbot had a great time taking part of the juried sculpture exhibit at the Cambridge Arts Council's River Festival on June 1st. Now that his exhibiting duties have been completed, he is available for purchase with all proceeds going to our two charities du jour in Haiti and Armenia.

May 2019
Linda will be a speaker at American Mensa's national conference in Phoenix on July 3rd. More information can be found under the program section of the Mensa site: https://ag.us.mensa.org .

May 2019
Our sister, Chipper Confections, is on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chipperconfections/

April 2019
We're excited that Confectionbot was selected to be part of a juried art show/exhibition/sculpture race that will take place on June 1st at the Cambridge Arts Council's River Festival.

November 2018
Thanks to the Boston startup Flutter for promoting and raising funds for us on their site: http://experienceflutter.com/charities/charitable-confections .
November 2018
We've been approved by PayPal to be one of the charities showcased on their site, via their Giving Fund program: https://www.paypal.com/us/fundraiser/charity/1436856 . Our supporters also now have the option to assist us by check or via Paypal or credit card on the "Donate" page of our site. We also have been included in Ebay's list of approved charities, so anyone who buys or sells things on Ebay can read about CC and choose to give a donation to us whilst shopping : https://www.charity.ebay.com/charity/Charitable-Confections-Inc./1436856 .
October 2018
We've listed all of the books that our sponsored college student, Mathaus, needs for his upcoming winter 2019 courses on our page dedicated to his progress. If you can lend/donate/purchase any of the books, please get in touch.
October 2018
CC's founder, Linda, will be doing sugar (isomalt) science & art demo at the Harvard's "Let's Talk about Food" event at the university's Science Center Plaza from 12:30-1:30p.m.

August 2018
We have added a sub-page to our curriculum course section that is devoted to our Pay It Forward" tutoring program in Haiti: http://www.charitableconfections.org/pay-it-forward.html . Stay tuned for progress reports!
August 2018
CC's founder, Linda, will be teaching sugar art and chocolate art classes at Cambridge Center for Adult Education in Harvard Square, starting during the fall term. Information/Registration:
Chocolate: http://learn.ccae.org/modules/shop/index.html?action=section&OfferingID=2402&SectionID=11260
Sugar: http://learn.ccae.org/modules/shop/index.html?action=section&OfferingID=2403&SectionID=11265

June 2018
We were delighted to have been selected as one of Boston's exciting companies/nonprofits for a hackathon hosted by Fidelity Labs and Boston Content. We will be implementing the great advice provided by the team of marketing experts provided to us for our "Pay it forward" in-house tutoring program in Cite Soleil.
April 2018
Zaven Khanjian, the executive international director of Armenian Missionary Assocation of America, our "charity du jour" in Armenia, was kind enough to record a message for us during an Easter soiree on the importance of education: http://www.charitableconfections.org/CharityduJourArmenia.html
February 2018
***update July 2018: our glasses made it into the fall 2018 fall print catalogue as well!
One of the painted sugar pieces from the collection of our sister www.chipperconfections.com is now being sold by the fabulous online retailer, UncommonGoods: https://www.uncommongoods.com/product/crystal-sugar-shot-glasses . Five percent of proceeds from all sales will go to our friends at Pure Water for the World, who have been great allies to our little nonprofit. You can read about how we first met them here: https://revista.drclas.harvard.edu/book/making-water-safe-haiti , and more about our partnership on the PWW site: https://purewaterfortheworld.org/solutions/partnerships/ .

February 2018
Thanks, once again, to the National Restaurant Association and the Massachusetts Restaurant Association for providing our sister, Chipper Confections, with a free VIP pass to the New England Food Show. We're looking forward to it, and will be multi-tasking with Charitable Confections' brochures in hand to pass around.
January 2018
We have finally uploaded our "Attacking Poverty in Eight" and "Fun Facts in Five" podcasts and videos with luminaries ranging from Harvard, MIT, and London School of Economics professors Robert Hasserjian, Jan Wampler, and Dimitri Vayanos to celebrity chefs David Burke and Ming Tsai to an economic director at European Central Bank and an Alibaba global business executive on our curriculum page: http://www.charitableconfections.org/Interactive-Curriculum-Designing.html . We have also started a new series, entitled "Young Movers and Shakers," for which our Harvard College 2018 wintern, Janet Chen, just conducted the first podcast.
December 2017
Many thanks to our donors who provided the spring tuition funds for the first HSA student to make it to the university level. Learn more about Mathaus and follow his educational journey on the Web page we've dedicated to it: http://www.charitableconfections.org/mathaus--journey.html .

December 2017
We will be moving into a much bigger, gated HSA tutoring office in Cite Soleil in January. Thank you to our generous donors who made it possible to afford the rent!

October 2017
We will be one of the nonprofits at Harvard's Nonprofit and Global Health Fair that will be held at the Harvard student organization center at Hilles Library on Oct. 26th.
Admission is open to all Harvard students at the undergraduate and graduate levels and recent alumni. Please stop by our table and pick up a pamphlet/learn more about our work: https://harvard-csm.symplicity.com/events/07a9c18fb973666433f6f8720521528b/employers .
October 2017
We were pleased to have been invited to partner again with Harvard's Center for Public Interest Careers and Office of Career Services for their January 2018 winter internship program.

September 2017
Linda had a great time doing her blowtorch sugar art routine at the Boston Globe-sponsored Let's Talk about Food Festival.

September 2017
Thanks to the following Dominican Republic news site for featuring a snippet about our partnership with Haiti Scholarship Associaition : http://www.nicepeoplenetworking.com/section/dr-news .

July 2017
Linda will doing a repeat blowtorch sugar art performance in the spotlight kitchen at this year's Boston Globe-sponsored Let's Talk about Food event in Copley Square on Sept. 23rd: http://foodfest.bostonglobe.com/2017-schedule/ .
May 2017
Linda will be giving another lecture at the national Mensa conference in Hollywood, FL on July 7th on the topic of our creative pedagogy.

March 2017
We are looking forward to, once again, participating in the Harvard alumni nonprofit event at the Harvard Club in Boston on April 19th http://publicservice.fas.harvard.edu/files/servicetosociety/files/2017_web_boston_nonprofit_board_recruitment_fair.pdf .
If you are a local yokel alumnus, please pop by and say "Hi," and if you have school supplies you'd like to donate, we can accept them and take them over to Haiti during our upcoming summer trip.
February 2017
Thanks to the National Restaurant Association and the Massachusetts Restaurant Association for providing our sister, Chipper Confections, with free VIP passes to the smashing New England Food Show.
February 2017
Charitable Confections and our partner organization, Haiti Scholarship Association, are on the roster of Harvard's international public service summer fellowship programs. If you are an undergraduate and would like to spend the summer volunteering at our tutoring center in Cite Soleil, please consider applying! Queries: info@charitableconfections.org .
January 2017
We are so grateful to our Columbia University engineer volunteer, Khalil, and his brother for completing and safely transporting the base of our edible robot, named Confectionbot, to our Cambridge headquarters. Our beloved baby is home with us, and will soon be making public appearances before our fundraiser in winter 2018.
January 2017
Many thanks to Esquire Brian Concannon for participating in our video curriculum series, and to the staff of Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti for graciously allowing our January interns to visit their offices and learn about their wonderful human rights work in Haiti.

January 2017
Many thanks to celebrity chefs David Burke and Ming Tsai, plus iconic cookie entrepreneur, Wally Amos, for participating in podcasts for our curriculum series.
January 2017
We were delighted to have been accepted to partner with Harvard's Center for Public Interest Careers and Office of Career Services for their winter internship program. During the January intersession we had three wonderful Harvard undergraduates -- plus our former U of Mass summer intern, who decided to return -- intern for us.

December 2016
Charitable Confections' founder and president, Linda, was on Radio Energy Boston's Friday night show http://www.radioenergyboston.com on the 9th, discussing our organization's tutoring programs in Haiti. Many thanks to Duke, congenial host of the show, who was interested enough in our programs to become one of our new volunteers.
December 2016
We were honored to have been invited to a special briefing on human rights and refugees at the Armenian Embassy in Washington, D.C. on the 3rd.
November 2016
We hosted our third annual Snack, Learn, and Go Soiree with Haiti Scholarship Association president Marcel Jean and volunteers and board members from our organization on the 6th (in Princeton this year, instead of Cambridge). Marcel returned to Haiti with a posh Macbook, wireless router, and a big bag of school supplies that were generously given to us by our donors.

October 2016
Linda did another sugar art blowtorch performance at the "Let's Talk about Food" festival on Oct. 1st, which was part of Harvard/MIT Hub Week.

August 2016
Linda will be doing her blowtorch sugar art performance and talking about Charitable Confections' projects at the Ignite Fire Festival on the 13th.

July 2016
On July 21st, we hosted an event with Haiti Scholarship Association and our friends at Pure Water for the World at a church in Cite Soleil to herald the launch of our new in-house tutoring program in Haiti. For reasons that we need not go into, we were all pretending it was still Easter -- hence the bunny ears, Easter bonnet, and decimated chocolate rabbit in Marcel's hands.

July 2016
Linda's lecture at the national Mensa conference in San Diego on July 2nd. We were fortunate enough to have a few of the Mensa members at this event volunteer for our new tutoring program.

May 2016
We launched both our peer-peer Skype tutoring program with the Decroly School in Madrid and our adult-peer Skype tutoring program; both to benefit the children in Cite Soleil.
April 2016
We're looking forward to returning to the Harvard Nonprofit event at the Harvard Club Boston on the 25th.
April 2016
We had a magnificent time in Yerevan, touring the schools and learning center of our charity du jour Armenia, the Armenian Missionary Association of America/Yerevan branch.
February 2016
We received our 501(c)(3) status from the IRS!
October 2015
We were honored to be invited to and craft the sugar sculpture centerpiece for the Armenian Missionary Association of America's (our newest charity du jour) gala with Placido Domingo in Los Angeles.
August 2015
Our second annual Snack, Learn & Go Soiree in Cambridge with Haiti Scholarship Association and our States-based friends from Pure Water for the World was a great success.
June 2015
Welcome to Amrow, our first summer intern from U of Mass!
May 2015
We were thrilled to have taken part of the Yunus Social Business/USAID conference in Port-au-Prince last week. The edible necktie that Nobel Prize winning economist, Prof. Yunus, was gracious enough to model for us will be put up for auction to raise money for our charity du jour, Haiti Scholarship Association .

April 2015
We were delighted to have been one of the featured organizations at Harvard's non-profit fair at the Harvard Club on April 27th: http://www.cpic.fas.harvard.edu/icb/icb.do.
Winter 2015
**** CC founder and president, Linda's, article for the winter 2015 edition of the Harvard Review of Latin America that is, in part, about our school project in Haiti, can be read here: http://revista.drclas.harvard.edu/book/haiti-time-trash.